NUXE Body-Contouring Serum for Embedded Cellulite

NUXE Body-Contouring Serum for Embedded Cellulite

The NUXE Body-Contouring Serum for Embedded Cellulite is with Plant Caffeine, Plant Extracts and Polyphenols that has a three-pronged action (breaks down fat stores, drains out fat, and has a body-contouring action) to reduce the appearance of embedded cellulite. Skin is visibly smoother from the first application.

You can use this product from NUXE  in the morning and Body-Contouring Oil at night. Use every day for a month as a shock treatment and then two to three times a month to maintain the results.

For a complete action, apply Body-Contouring Serum before any sports activity. Then massage Body-Contouring Oil into your skin after your shower to boost circulation.