Have you heard someone on Skincare TikTok say that their skin is purging before? Skin purging is a normal cycle that your skin might go through when you start using a new skincare product. Sometimes you might think that all the pimples suddenly appearing on your face means that the new product you just spent a quarter of your pay cheque on is not suitable for the skin. Although, this could mean that your skin is going through the purge and this, as unbelievable as it might seem, is a good sign.

Beauty Insider will spill the tea about skin purging and all the secrets you need to know.

What is Skin Purging?

Skin Purging refers to the skin’s reaction to a new active ingredient. This causes an increase in the skin cell turnover rate. When this rate increases, the skin will shed dead skin cells at a faster speed than it usually does. The skin does this to reach its ultimate goal to expose fresh and new skin cells beneath the skin. Once the dead skin cells are shed, younger, clearer skin will submerge.

However, in order for this to happen you’ve got to go through a rather rocky road first. Pimples, white heads, blackheads, excess sebum, and other pollutants in your skin will have to come out first. This is why you experience “skin purging”. It will all be worth it when you look at your new skin and see a glow like never before.

Retinoids, Exfoliators, and Face Acids

It is more likely for you to experience skin purging with retinoids and face acids such as retinol, topical tretinoin and the oral medication isotretinoin- which are prescribed by professionals. Exfoliating acids such as glycolic acids may cause skin purging as well. Skin treatments such as chemical peals may also cause skin purging. So don’t be discouraged!

What Can You Do When Your Skin is Purging?

Dermatologists suggest that when your skin is purging, you opt for gentler skincare products to pair with the new addition. For example, use a gentle face wash and moisturiser. This will help you avoid further inflammation to your skin. Don’t forget sunscreen too! Here are some recommendations of sunscreens by Beauty Insider.

Hydrating facials and masks might help you with the purge. This is because they help to hydrate, moisturise, and relief your skin from all the inflammation. However, be mindful if you have sensitive skin. Going to a facial on top of using a new product could be too much to handle. You might feel discouraged when your skin is purging. But hang in there, you won’t regret it when you see the results!

Avoid The Purge

Let’s be honest, if you could avoid the purge altogether you would. No matter how nice your skin will come out in the end, not going through the rocky purge what we all want. Although this might not work for everyone, there is a way you can do so.

Dermatologists suggests that taking it slow could help. If you’re planning on using retinol in your skincare routine, use it once every 2 to 3 days first. Then, you can work your way up from there. Once your skin gets used to it, you can start using it everyday. This way, your skin will have time to accept the new addition to your skincare routine.

This applies to exfoliating acids as well. For example, when you adopt glycolic acid in your skincare routine as a toner. Add a few drops of water along with it on a cotton pad to dilute it before applying. After a week or two you can start using a higher concentration and exfoliate once every two days.

It is also important that you consult your dermatologist before adopting any of these products in your skincare regime. This is especially crucial if you have acne prone or sensitive skin.

Skin Purging or Breakout?

Sometimes breakouts can happen when you try a new product that isn’t suitable for your skin. So how can you tell if its the purge or a breakout. Here are some of the obvious differences between the two.

When you breakout because your skin isn’t accepting the product, your pimples may pop up at spots that they normally wouldn’t. On the other hand, when your skin purges, pimples will show up at spots they usually do.

Next, when your skin purges it would disappear in a few days. However, breakout pimples take more than a week to shrink away. So you will have to deal with them for a longer period. If you’re experiencing a breakout, it’s best you quit using it right away. Your skin will not grow accustomed to it and continuous use will only make it worse.

You can deal with a breakout with your favourite spot treatments or acne patches. If you don’t have one yet, we’ve got your back! Check out our Top Acne Patches in Singapore To Heal Your Acne Overnight. We’ve also got some recommendations for the Best Acne Treatments Even if You Have Sensitive Skin!

Be Patient!

We know it seems like these pimples, whiteheads, and acne keeps popping up out of nowhere. You just want to skip to the good part. Trust us we want that for you too!

Unfortunately, you must toughen up and get through this. We believe in you and can’t wait to see how gorgeous and youthful your skin will glow in the end. Show us your glow up by tagging us on Instagram and Facebook, we love to hear your stories about your skincare journey!

The road to something great is often tough, but you’ll love yourself for trying!