Uma Thurman, Jessica Biel, Meghan Fox and even Miley Cyrus are singing praises for the Paleo Diet. But this is not just another celebrity fad — people say that the nutrient-dense diet has made them healthier, feel stronger, and lower their risk for heart problems. Naturopath Eugene He tells us more.

What is Paleo?

The Paleo Diet, or Paleolithic diet, also called the Caveman diet, is based on the principle that our body is designed for the same foods that our hunter-gatherer ancestors used to eat. Its supporters believe that our bodies have not evolved to consume processed foods effectively, thus leading to obesity, heart disease, diabetes and cancer.

As this theory is relatively new, there are no long-term studies of people on the Paleo diet to substantiate any claims. As with all trending diets, the Paleo diet has its fair share of controversy and criticism. However, a well-executed Paleo diet can be nutritionally sound, low in carbohydrate calories and devoid of any processed foods.

What you can’t eat

1. All grains and grain products (rice, wheat, corn, quinoa, barley, corn) – contains anti-nutrients and promotes inflammation and bowel irritation
2. Legumes (beans, peas, peanuts, soy) – same as grains
3. Refined and artificial sweeteners (sugar, corn syrup, aspartame, sucralose) – linked to lifestyle diseases
4. Most vegetable oils (corn, soy, sunflower, peanut, canola) —comes from legumes or are heavily processed
5. Dairy – milk promotes inflammation

What you can eat

1. Unrestricted amounts of vegetables but limit starchy vegetables like sweet potatoes and taro.
2. Whole fruits and a moderate amount of juice from low sugar-containing fruits.
3. Lean cuts of meat from grass-fed animals.
4. Seafood and shellfish.
5. Nuts and seeds.
6. Cold-pressed oils (olive, coconut, walnut, sesame, macadamia, hazelnut, avocado).
7. Butter from grass-fed cows is allowed.
8. Natural whole sweeteners in moderation (raw honey, unprocessed maple syrup, coconut sugar, stevia).

Like our early ancestors, you are recommended to rotate and consume through a wide range of different foods rather than sticking to staples.