Getting your first piercing can be scary when you don’t know what to expect. Right before you commit to putting a hole in your skin, there can also be a ton of hesitation. The question of “To Be, Or Not To Be?” lingers on our minds for days! But when our friends encourage us, our courage gets a little boost. So, a little peer pressure might do you some good in going through with getting a piercing. But, there are also quite a few different piercings you can get on your ear alone! Whether it is a normal piercing, helix piercing or conch piercing. A conch piercing is much more unique and looks badass as well! 

So, if you want a cool new piercing, a conch piercing might suit you extremely well. But before you do, here is everything you need to know about conch piercings and its aftercare. Let Beauty Insider help you take care of your piercing and steer clear of infections! All to a safe and quick recovery. 

Is A Conch Piercing Safe

The one question everyone has before getting a piercing is whether it is safe or not. Although the healing of a piercing depends on your body, some are still sceptical about it. But since it is not a tattoo, we can say that it is fairly safe! But just a note, a conch piercing can take up to 6 months to heal. A conch piercing is in the middle of your ear and as long as you aren’t getting into fights that specifically hit your ear, your piercing will definitely be safe. 

How Bad Does a Conch Piercing Hurt

How well is your pain tolerance? Since it varies among everybody, we can’t really tell you exactly how bad it hurts. But since your conch is quite a thick area of ear cartilage, you can expect some level of pain. A conch piercing will also hurt more than a normal earlobe piercing. So you might want to prepare beforehand. If you’ve gotten a helix or tragus piercing before, your conch piercing will feel around the same. 

Types of Conch Piercings

What’s more, there are also a few types of conch piercings. Inner and outer conch piercings. An inner conch piercing is located on your inner ear and can even feel more painful. If you are looking for something simple, get a single stud or hoop conch piercing. For those that are feeling a little bit rebellious, get a second piercing close to your first inner conch piercing! 

conch piercing

Outer conch piercings are also quite popular. Although we can’t say the pain level drops, we can definitely say that you will look cool. It is harder to stretch an outer conch piercing. So, you might want to let your piercer know if you’d like a larger gauge piercing. 

Healing Tips

A conch piercing usually takes 6 to 9 months to fully heal. To ensure your piercing heals properly, you should be cleaning your piercings with salt water. A tip when your piercing is healing is to not sleep on it. Try to train yourself to sleep on the other side of your ear, or even face up. Aloe vera may also become your best friend when it comes to healing a piercing. So make sure you have one on standby! Another question we get asked a lot is whether you can still wear earbuds with conch piercings? The answer is…no sorry! Wearing earbuds could irritate or even snag your piercing. So, we suggest getting over-the-ear headphones instead. 

Aftercare for Piercings 

Just like any other piercings, you’ll need to have good aftercare for your piercing. Always sterilise your piercing once in a while to avoid itching and swelling. To help it heal faster, use sea salt water to clean your piercing twice a day. Avoid using any type of alcohol on your piercing. Instead, use warm water to get your blood flowing. Use a smaller piece of jewellery during the healing process and don’t remove your piercing during the 6 to 9-month period.