Ruler Japanese Style Hair Salon


Ruler Japanese Style Hair Salon is a Japanese hair salon in Singapore. They are one of many but what makes them stand out is their dedication to their craft by honing it very well.

At Ruler Japanese Style Hair Salon, you can avail hair services and treatments like the basics, Haircut, Colouring, and Wash & Blow Dry. Moreover, you can also choose from Perm & Rebonding, and various Hair Treatments.

According to them, Hair Salon RuleR firmly listens to customer’s requests, and truly offers you the hairstyle that suits you. Go shopping with a bright feeling. Listen to pleasant music and think slowly on the weekend schedule. And they will make you feel like you are going to meet someone just by coming to RuleR.

Among their many services are the following:
  • Haircut
  • Colouring
  • Wash & Blow Dry
  • Perm & Rebonding
  • Hair Treatments


One stop salon for hair and nails

If you don't have time to look for other salon to get your hair and nails done, RuleR Japanese Hair & Nail Salon is the one for you. Satisfied customer here.
~February 09, 2018

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