What kind of products are non-returnable, non-refundable and non-exchangeable ?

Some sellers do not allow non-refundable or non-exchangeable options for their products.

We have asked the seller to clearly highlight this on their products and e-store. Please keep this in mind prior to your purchase. In addition to this, the following types of products are also non-returnable, non-refundable and non-exchangeable :

  1. Items as marked on the sellers store 
  2. Items purchased as part of a set that must be complete
  3. Any items that were part of the BFF rewards that were redeemed. 
  4. Surprise boxes, Mystery boxes that cannot be returned or exchanged.
  5. Any product is classified as hazardous materials or use flammable liquids/gases cannot be returned or exchanged
  6. Any other item that Insider Mall seems non-refundable, exchangeable or returned 
  7. Certain sales items are also non-refundable,  non-returnable or exchangeable
  8. Items under Clearance Sales, Promotions or Sales items