More than half of the world’s population experience short-term insomnia! In fact, a survey by Harvard found out that one in four adults report suffering from mild insomnia. Now, what is insomnia? It is a common sleeping disorder that makes sleeping difficult. Although it’s common to have the occasional sleepless night, insomnia is slightly more serious as the inability to sleep or excessive wakening in the night can impair your daily functioning. If you are suffering from insomnia, fret not because there are many natural remedies for insomnia that might just do the trick for you. 

We know, there are many over-the-counter sleep aid pills that promise to improve sleep quality. While they are tempting and seem like a fast cure but they are not necessarily safe and do come with side effects. Unlike that, natural remedies for insomnia are proven effective with almost no side effects. Now, lack of sleep is not something you take lightly as chronic lack of sleep is linked to a number of health problems such as diabetes, high blood pressure, and depression! Below, Beauty Insider has gathered a list of 13 best natural remedies for insomnia that can certainly help you get a good 8 hours of trouble-free sleep!

1. Meditate At Least Once Day

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One of the scientifically proven home remedies for insomnia is mediation. Apart from promoting good sleep, meditating can also help reduce stress, improve concentration, and boost immunity. All you got to do is find a quiet space, close your eyes and take some slow, steady breathing while your mind and heart are resting quietly. You can honestly meditate as often as you like. Aim to spare at least 15 minutes of your day for mediation.  

2. Try Light Therapy Treatment

Light therapy is an effective sleep treatment for those who suffer from the delayed sleep-phase syndrome. In most cases, you are lacking sleep because your body didn’t receive enough light during the day. Light exposure plays a key role in telling the body when to go to sleep by increasing melatonin production. Try going for walk outdoors first thing in the morning. On the other hand, if you find you’re waking up too early in the morning you may need more evening light so try taking a walk outdoors in the evening. 

3. Exercise Regularly

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In case you didn’t know, being physically active is essential for better sleep. It is proven that people who exercise regularly tend to snooze better than their couch potato counterparts (oops). So, be active and spend at least 30 minutes a day and do some adrenaline-pumping exercises like jogging, dancing, hiking and such. Engage in any spurts of exercise just three or four times a week and we bet you gonna sleep like a baby that night!

4. Limit Your Intake of Caffeine, Alcohol and Nicotine

Association Between Daytime Sleepiness and Unhealthy Life Habits ...

Now, we bet everyone knows caffeine, alcohol and nicotine have a pronounced effect on sleep causing insomnia and restlessness. Now, though coffee and tea are the most obvious caffeine-filled products but do look out for hidden sources of caffeine such as in chocolate, soft drinks and even alcohol. In general, alcohol consumption can result in nighttime wakefulness.

5. Cut Down on Sugar Consumption at Night

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Sugar is good for the day when you need that burst of energy, but don’t go high on sugar at night! Because sugar high is short-lived and can cause uneven blood sugar levels which can mess up your sleep big time. Over sugar consumption does not only disrupt sleep but can also increase your blood sugar level that leads to diabetes! So, consume sugar moderately!

6. Eat Foods That Can Help You Sleep Better

Food to Sleep Better -

One of the easiest home remedies for insomnia is changing up your diet. Eat carbohydrate-dense snacks such as whole-grain crackers before bedtime. Also include foods rich in vitamin B6, found in wheat germ, sunflower seeds, and bananas, which can enhance the body’s conversion of sleep boosting hormones. Don’t take any sleeping pill, tho! They can mess around with normal hormone production.

7. Drink a Cup of Chamomile Tea

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Chamomile tea is said to be very helpful for insomnia. Traditionally it is used to reduce muscle tension, soothe digestion, and reduce anxiety which can all induce sleep. Just sip a cup of hot chamomile tea after dinner like a few hours before bed or you may have to get up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom. If you are not a fan of chamomile, then opt for passionflower and kava. 

8. Listen to Soothing Music

This is one of the very popular home remedies for insomnia and proven to work for many. Listening to gentle and slow music as it can really help to improve your sleep. Music therapy has been found to improve sleep quality, decrease nightly awakenings, lengthen sleep time, and increase satisfaction with sleep!

9. Sniff On Some Lavender Before Bed

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Now, we know many of you might not think so, but scents can have a powerful effect on your mood. Certain type of scents can provoke certain types of mood. In that line, lavender s known to help people ease into a baby like sleep! Take advantage of the aromatherapeutic scent of lavender to fill your bedroom as they can ease anxiety and promote relaxation. Apart from lavender, you can also opt for spikenard, vetiver, frankincense, myrrh, and clary sage!

10. Give Yourself a Good Head Massage

Giving yourself a head massage can help improve sleep quality and daytime dysfunction. It  can also reduce feelings of pain, anxiety, and depression. You don’t need any professional massage as you can just massage yourself. Massaging allows your mind to focus on the feelings and sensations of touch as your mind wanders. Avoid using any sorts of creams or oils, as they can sometimes cause a reaction!

11. Turn Off All the Lights

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Well, this is most probably one of the easiest remedies for insomnia, just turn off your room lights. Exposure to artificial light when you’re trying to sleep isn’t just annoying but can also suppress your body’s production of the sleep hormone melatonin. If you are more comfortable to sleep with lights on then use black curtains or wear an eye mask if you have to.

12. Take A Shower Before Bed

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Now, this may not seem ideal but it is helpful! How do you wonder? Well, the heat from a warm, pre-bedtime shower can send the message to your nervous system that it’s time to relax and slow down which scientifically can make you feel sleepy faster. Don’t shower in cold water as it can wake you up!

13. Make Sure Your Bedding is Clean

Last but not the least in our remedies for insomnia list is to ensure you are self in comfortable bedding. Often neglected, but your bedding affects your sleeping pattern more than you know. No one can sleep comfortably in a pool of their own sweat. So, regularly change your sheets and use sheets that are made from natural fibres like cotton, wool, silk, bamboo, and linen. Avoid synthetic fabrics like polyester that trap heat and moisture!