Stop cribbing about not having beautiful or healthy hair. Wishing or cribbing won’t magically transform them but doing something about them will. Good things come to those who work hard to get them. Following a good hair regime, making healthy choices and brushing them regularly are just a few tips. Read on further to know the easiest yet most effective remedies and tips to healthy hair. Use minimal hair products. Don’t overdose on a number of hair products, they’re definitely no good for your hair. Stick to basics like shampoo, conditioner, serums, and oils. The only additional steps in your hair routine should be weekly hair masks or a deep conditioning every fortnight.

Repair Damage with Avocado

home remedies, hair care tips

Due to heat styling, chemical treatments, environmental pollution, and even exposure to wind and sun, many people struggle with hair that is dry, damaged and weak. Avocado is like a superhero for dry hair. Chock full of vitamins A, D, E and B6, avocado is also high in proteins, amino acids, magnesium, folic acid, copper, and iron. It is important that you use products that are gentle on the hair because you may not always have time for a DIY treatment. 

Massage in Butter

Men and women, both are equally affected. Thin hair, split ends, the feeling that the hair is falling at a faster rate than before, and that no new hair is coming to take the place of the previous hair, are some warning signs that you need to do something about your hair. Many people are concerned about their hair growth. When they come to know that their hair can’t grow anymore, they get depressed. When the hair stops growing, the health and texture of hair are also badly affected. People with such conditions become quite concerned about their hair and use all kinds of natural shampoos and hair products. Such kind of people should apply shea butter regularly on their hair. There are specific ingredients present in shea butter which lead to the improvement of scalp structure. Shea butter improves existing hair and gives birth to new hair.

Use Olive Oil as a Conditioner

home remedies, hair care tips

Did you think the merits of olive oil are limited to the kitchen? It’s time to introduce it to your beauty regime. Olive oil can add a touch of moisture and weight to your hair, especially when used during dry winter months. Not only does this act as a serum once you’ve shampooed and styled your hair, it also prevents split ends from occurring.

Mask with Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is so much more than just a salad dressing. This wonder tonic is packed with raw enzymes and beneficial bacteria which aid digestion, weight loss, cholesterol levels and more. Apple cider vinegar is naturally high in acetic acid and has a pH level which is close to that of a human hair. Regularly rinsing with this vinegar can help bring your scalp and hair to its ideal acidity, especially if you have oily hair.

Treat with Botanical Oils

Essential oils can be used to cleanse the scalp, strengthen hair, control irritation and dandruff, stimulate hair follicles, improve circulation and even promote hair growth. Some essential oils improve the condition of the scalp whiles others improve the condition of the hair.

Beer Rinse

home remedies, hair care tips

The secret to shiny luscious locks? Beer. This effective remedy has been doing the rounds for quite some time, so if you still haven’t heard about it, you’re probably living under a rock. The super quick remedy requires just a bottle/can of beer. Flat beer works best, so pour the liquid in some container and leave it for a few hours or overnight so that it goes flat. Use this beer as the last rinse after you’ve shampooed and conditioned your hair to get desired results. Pour it on your hair and massage it in for 1-2 minutes. Leave it on for 15 minutes and rinse with cold water.

Do Not Rub Dry

home remedies, hair care tips

Never rub your hair with a towel. Always scrunch your hair to get the water out. Most importantly never tie your hair in a towel turban right after a shower, use a soft t-shirt instead. It will do the job and not make your hair frizzy.