Who would ever say no to eternal youth! If given the chance, countless men and women would give anything to look at least a day younger than they do! That’s just the reality of ageing and growing older. If you don’t take care of your body and looks, you’ll be mistaken for a 60-year-old grandma or grandpa way too soon! There are also countless movies that feature main characters that simply do not age! “The Picture of Dorian Gray”, “The Age of Adaline”, “Peter Pan”, “Death Becomes Her”, and many more! What’s more, is that we have actual celebrities who look like they haven’t aged a day either. “Jennifer Aniston”, “John Legend”, “Anne Hathaway” and our star of today, Vivian Hsu. So, how exactly does Vivian Hsu stay looking so fine! Well, Beauty Insider is here to share her secret with you. 

Vivian Hsu

If you don’t know, Vivian Hsu is a Taiwanese actress and singer. She actually rose to fame in Japan when she first debuted in 1995. Wow, imagine that. If she debuted in 1995, how old would she be now? Can you do the math? Anyway, Vivian Hsu soon started making numerous appearances throughout the 1990s. Soon, she quickly became a highly recognised celebrity! What’s more, is that Vivian Hsu was also a model in her early career and later stepped into acting around the 2000s. 

Vivian Hsu is also known for being quite a versatile artist and accomplished lyricist as she has dabbled in so many different genres and even languages! But, did you also know that Vivian Hsu is actually 46 years old! That’s right, you can’t really tell though because she looks as if she’s still in her 20s! It might even be a surprise to some if we mention that she also has a 5 years old son. With that, you all are probably wondering how she does it. 

Vivian Hsu’s Diet Secret

So, how does she do it? How does Vivian Hsu manage to not look a day over 20 after all these years? Ageing like fine wine, here are some of her secrets. 

1. Control Your Portions

Vivian Hsu mentions that discipline is one of the main factors to maintaining your figure. So after her pregnancy, Vivian Hsu had to change both her lifestyle and diet to achieve her goals. She notes that the trick is to, “never eat to a full stomach”, and “control your portions”! Although, this doesn’t mean that you can eat whatever you want. Vivian Hsu still kept to a healthy diet and she still eats carbs such as sweet potatoes. It’s good to note that Vivian kept bread, noodles, and white rice out of her diet. Her diet plan also doesn’t allow the consumption of drinks and snacks with empty calories. But, fruits that are low in sugar were acceptable. Juices, on the other hand, were a big no-no! 

2. Less Sugar, Less Starch, Less Ice

Another one of Vivian Hsu’s diet secrets is to have less sugar, less starch and less ice! She mentions that this was the “basic principle” of her diet when she was trying to lose her pregnancy weight. For two months, Vivian Hsu said goodbye to beef and any sort of drink with ice. After that, she noticed that all the “stubborn fat” started to vanish! This is a tip on reducing your intake of food. But, Vivian Hsu reinforces that you should never skip a meal with protein! Even though you are reducing your food intake, you should still consume enough protein so you don’t get tired easily. Aside from meat stew and tofu, she suggests taking coconut oil. 

3. Vinegar & Olive Oil For Breakfast

This next tip or secret might be disgusting to some, but one of Vivian Hsu’s tricks is to have vinegar and olive oil for breakfast! Yes, we promise this isn’t a crude joke and it is 100% real. Vivian Hsu actually drinks this concoction of a few drops of vinegar with a spoon full of olive oil. Every morning. Although it doesn’t sound like such a great breakfast at all, it actually benefits your body oddly enough! This combination has the benefit to help protect your stomach lining, provide you with brighter skin, as well as boost your body’s detoxification and metabolism! So, you should give this a try! Besides, it’s not going to hurt anybody! 

4. A Healthy Diet

We know you’ve heard this a lot, but a healthy diet plays a big part in your weight loss and healthy life! If you understand that, then you probably have another question. How do you know what to prepare for a healthy diet? Well, Vivian Hsu encourages her fans to eat a healthy diet, and she has actually shared quite a few recipes on her Instagram! So, if you ever have the time, we think it best that you check it out to get some meal ideas! 

For Vivian Hsu, she prefers a relatively light diet where most of it contains foods that are low in starch and sugar, but high in protein. Salads paired with chicken is a delightful way to incorporate a bit of meat in your bowl of veggie. Vivian Hsu likes to have variety in her meals and often balances them well in terms of nutrients. Of course, when it comes to fruits, there are no exceptions! She still floats towards low-sugar fruits such as guavas. 

5. Intermittent Fasting With 16:8

A type of diet that has been trending ever since the pandemic start is actually intermittent fasting. There are several types of intermittent fasting, but the one that Vivian Hsu tried out was the 16:8 method. This method means that you are only allowed to eat your three meals, within 8 hours. For the remainder of the 16 hours, you’re going to have to refrain from eating and snacking! This is because intermittent fasting believes that when your stomach is pretty much empty, it actually burns more fat. But, before you try out intermittent fasting, make sure to do some research first to find out which method suits you best. You can always start small before reaching your ultimate goal! 

6. Exercise

Well, this isn’t a surprise! Vivian Hsu also suggests that you exercise regularly if you want to maintain your figure! If you are interested in what Vivian Hsu does for her workout routine, she actually runs six days a week! Yeah, and a week only has 7 days! That’s not all, because aside from that, Vivian Hsu also visits the gym to train for 3 days a week! When does she rest! But, it is a no-brainer that exercising is a huge health benefit. Not only does it improve your body’s metabolism in the long run, but it also promotes better health! 

7. Drink Water

Last but not least, always drink water! This is something everyone should be doing. And no, we don’t mean a sip a day. We mean drinking ENOUGH water. Such as at least 8 full glasses a day. The best way to remind yourself to hydrate is to keep a water bottle with you. That way, you’ll keep drinking until you finish it. When you finally do realise, you’ll be on your way to refill it up! So make sure you keep yourself hydrated as Vivian Hsu herself, drinks 2 litres of water a day! Drinking enough water also can help to flush out toxins in our bodies. Another great tip is that the next time you feel hungry when you are bored, go drink a glass of water first. This will probably answer your question of whether you were really hungry, or just thirsty! 

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