As someone in their 20’s, you can’t hide away from the constant hormone issues—bloating, gas, weight gain, abdominal pain and the rare yellowing spots on the skin. If you start to notice the latter problem around your bodies, you need to be careful as you might suffer from bile or bile salts shortage. That, or you once had your gallbladder removed, better known as Cholecystectomy surgery. And to answer your question, bile salts shortage happens when you either have your gallbladder removed or your liver starts to dysfunction. Thus, altering the health of your organs. 

But what is the correlation between your liver, your gallbladder and bile salts? And if you noticed—if you rely on heavy medication—your medicine mostly takes up bile salts. You can even find the ingredients on any daily supplement on the market. But before you blindy purchase any supplements that are labelled ‘’Bile Salts’’, first you will need to familiarize yourself with these tiny components that are known to levitate around our kidney and digestive area. We know that salts and liver go hand in hand but Bile Salts?

What are they, though? Are they important? Most importantly, are they safe? Beauty Insider answers all your one hundred and one questions regarding bile salts, and everything you need to know about these rare emollients. Read further. 

What Are Bile Salts? 

Okay, this might take a while to properly alter the answer because I am not a doctor. But to make it short, bile are one of the most important (note: important) components in our organ, and inside the bile, store an amount of bile salts whose job is to eliminate bad steroids inside our body. Bile (the organ) is made up in a slight green-yellowish fluid around the liver which is stored safely in our gallbladder. That is why, once you remove your gallbladder, having a minimal amount of bile and bile salts might jeopardize the whole system. Speaking of bile salts—they were made up of tiny molecules with similar but not identical structures and vary in their forms of physical and biological characteristics. Still follow? We have a long way to go here. The function of bile salts in our system is to help eliminate dangerous cholesterol and any toxic compounds, helping to fight and regularize our cholesterol circulation. Other than that, these tiny compounds also help to reduce inflammation and normalize your blood flow, making them run through your vessels easily. And if you had a seasonal problem of bloating, you’ll notice after a few days, your tummy will turn back to normal. This is also thanks to bile salts in our body. Anyway, study shows around 30% of people in this world have had an experience undergoing Cholecystectomy surgery which has their gallbladder taken out. And unfortunately for these patients, end up suffering with new symptoms which bring them to lack vitamins inside of their bodies and even suffer from fat malabsorption. 

So, Why Are Bile Salts Important? 

As mentioned before, bile salts in our system is to help eliminate dangerous cholesterol and any toxic compounds, helping to fight and regularize our cholesterol circulation. Other than that, these tiny compounds also help to reduce inflammation and normalize your blood flow, making them run through your vessels easily. They made it easier for our bodies to absorb unnecessary cholesterol and fats due to their powerful components of Vitamin A, E, D, K and mineral properties like magnesium, iron and calcium. So as you can see the reason why we need bile salts in our body is because they are armed with powerful nutrients. If we lack bile salts in our bodies, the other nutrients wouldn’t be able to absorb through our system properly. On the other hand, bile salts also help to guard the production of gut bacteria, they help to release glutathione and eliminate bilirubin. Thus, as we explained in the introduction, if you lack bile salts, you will somewhat pull illness such as excessive bloating, abdominal pain, digestive issues, gallstones, jaundice, low cholesterol, heartburn and hormonal imbalances, and most dangerously liver damage. 

What Causes Bile Salts Deficiency? 

Lack of bile salts is not only caused by gallbladder removal or Cholecystectomy surgery, it can also happen due to gene mutation, pancreatic insufficiency and improper bite flow. Hence the reason why most doctors and experts suggest taking your daily supplements that contain the proper amount of bile salts to keep the circulation running smoothly. So, the perfect solution and keeping your health in check would be to restore the bile salts through supplementation.  Bile salts, in particular, eliminate bilirubin from the body which is very important to do so. 

What Are The Ways To Take Bile Salts? 

Of course the easiest and sufficient way is through supplementation. Be it daily supplements or special medication that contain bile salts. But remember that some bile salts supplement can trigger your nervous system if you don’t digest it properly. So make sure you refer to your doctor’s prescriptions and consume a proper meal. This way they can aid the absorption of cholesterol, carbohydrates and fats and digest them into the fat-soluble vitamins. Start slowly and monitor how your body reacts to the supplements. I did a little research and found that those who are considered beginners in bile salts intake should start with supplements that contain cholic acid and water-soluble bile acid. Do note that you also need to stay well-hydrated because bile salts make up 85 percent of water, you need to get aligned with it. And because bile salts are connected heavily to liver area and liver detoxicants, make sure you consume beet greens. 

The Final Verdict 

So, what do we learn here today? Our body literally consists of bile salts—tiny components that levitate around our flows that were created to fight off the production of fats, cholesterol, aid in digestion, absorb important vitamins and nutrients to be carried around our bodies and eliminate toxins that were trapped around our organs. Bile salts were placed around the liver area and stored in the gallbladders when they’re not being used, so, if our gallbladder were removed or goes on any surgical procedure that somewhat trigger the gallbladder systems, it can lead to bile salt deficiency, thus creating problems on our liver and digestive system. This condition can also cause the infamous bowel problem, digestive issues, gallstones, jaundice, low cholesterol, heartburn and hormonal imbalances. If you start to notice mild changes on your body, we suggest you seek a doctor and ask for their advice. Just make sure you stay hydrated throughout the day, increase your green beets intake and slowly adapt your diet into taking bile salt supplements. Make sure you have done your research before purchasing any specific bile salt supplements. 

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