Skin Lab 360

Skin Lab 360 is a leading aesthetic clinic in Singapore that provides a wide range of skincare and beauty treatments to help clients achieve their desired appearance. The clinic is staffed by highly trained and experienced professionals who use state-of-the-art technology and advanced techniques to deliver safe and effective treatments. At Skin Lab 360, clients can choose from a variety of services, including facials, chemical peels, laser treatments, injectables, and more. Each treatment is tailored to the individual’s unique needs and goals, ensuring the best possible results. The clinic’s welcoming atmosphere and personalized care ensure that clients feel comfortable and relaxed throughout their visit. With a focus on quality, safety, and customer satisfaction, Skin Lab 360 is the go-to destination for those seeking top-notch skincare and beauty treatments in Singapore.

Service Name Duration Price
SHR Hair Removal 120 mins 0
Microdermabrasion Facial Treatment 120 mins 0
Bo Jin Eyes Treatment 80 mins 0

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