We all know how you can put on weight by eating, but do you know you can also lose weight by eating? Nutritionist Audrey Wong tells us how.

Switch to the healthy fats

Our body needs fat for proper functioning. Fats recommended are coconut oil, sesame oil, pure butter, canola oil, olive oil and peanut oil.

Add protein to your salads

Protein increases metabolism and is useful for slimming. Make sure you take about 300 grams of meat or fish daily. Use beans to substitute for red meat.

When you eat meat, take good quality red meat like organic beef or lamb which have heart-healthy omega-3 fat.

Go against the grain

We love rice and noodles too, but you can get the same texture and taste from healthier alternatives like brown rice, tapioca, buckwheat or quinoa. Eat less starchy vegetables like sweet potatoes or yams, preferably steamed or baked. (Find out about the wonder grain that helps you lose weight and can help your skin cells regenerate.)

Explore different ways to eat vegetables

Eat more green and leafy vegetables and keep root vegetables to a minimum if you are trying to slim down. Steam or stir-fry your vegetables for easier digestion. Raw salads can be challenging for some people and cause indigestion and constipation.

Drink more water

Drink 1.5 to 2 litres of water every day as it removes metabolic waste from your body (and gives you really amazing skin, too.)  Try adding lemon or fresh mint to your water — refreshing, delicious, and zero calories!

Drink milk substitutes
Craving for a rich chocolate milkshake? Go ahead and indulge, but use milk substitutes like non-sweetened soy or brown rice milk.

Find a healthier “sugar” fix

Use natural wholesome sweeteners like honey, molasses, whole sugar cane syrup and stevia, and avoid white sugar and artificial sweeteners.

Detox with 30days Waistline™

A patented health supplement for waistline reduction, it is said to decrease abdominal fat, boost energy level, support the immune system and kidneys and aid in liver detoxification. It contains a special combination of beta glucan 1.3/1.6 and botanical extracts that help the body fight inflammations and infections that distort cellular metabolism – contributing to accumulation of abdominal fat.

30days WAISTLINE™ is available for $108 at Guardian Health and Beauty, Watsons and John Little stores.

Slimming Treatment

Bonus beauty tip: Consider non-invasive fat-blasting treatments

Our sister site, Aesthetics & Beauty, has rounded up a list of 7 non-invasive treatments that blast fat from problem areas like the tummy, arms, and thighs.