A common skin concern that affects many is acne. Normally, it is seen on one’s face however many people don’t realise that it can also happen onto the rest of our bodies as well. Therefore, today, Beauty Insider wants to limelight back acne and the treatments you should try out to treat it!

What Is Back Acne?

Back acne is a skin concern that is identified as spots/acne that scatters across the skin on your back. This can be extremely uncomfortable to many because when you think about it- we put a lot of pressure on our backs. For example, when we sleep and when we sit down and lean back. These simple actions can cause pressure against the existing spots thus causing them to hurt.

Moreover, back acne has the misconception that it occurs because of one’s lack of hygiene when it is honestly not true! Similar to normal acne, there are a plethora of factors that can lead to bacne. Major contributions to bacne could be hormones, environmental climate, genetics, intense stress and even your diet can play a role too. Living in Singapore with our hot and humid days doesn’t improve bacne too; in fact, can cause it to worsen!

How Can Bacne Occur?

Back acne, similar to facial acne, are pores that are clogged with excess oil that creates these bumpy spots. Therefore, the areas that often get sweaty such as the back and chest area are most acne-prone on our bodies.

Think about it, when we exercise or rush around during our busy day, our backs are just drenched in sweat. Now put the mental image of your sweaty back trapped under your hot shirt. In conclusion, sweat, excess oil, heat and humidity- it’s a recipe for bacne!

1. Perspiration

Back acne is commonly caused by perspiration during daily activities. Usually, perspiration and tight-fitting clothing are the more common reasons why people get back and chest acne. The moist environment on the body encourages the bacterial group. Not only that, but your back also has much larger and more oil glands which make it a more prone black for acne.

2. Hormonal Imbalance

Hormonal imbalances can actually aggravate your acne because of the overstimulation of oil glands that makes you back acne much worse. This is usually seen in young males and females with a condition of Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome.

3. Clogged & Damaged Pores

When it comes to acne, some of your pores get damaged and clog up easily, leading to recurrent back acne that affects the same areas of your back.

4. Diet

When you consume too much of dairy, sugary food and simple processed carbohydrates, the acne can get worse on your face, body and back.

5. Stress

Stressing out can cause your body to produce a stress hormone: cortisol. The Cortisol stimulates collagen production and that leads to the clogging of pores that causes back acne breakout.

What Are The Downsides Of Having Back Acne?

When we talk about the downsides of having back acne, the main ones are first that it is painful. If you didn’t already know, having back acne can be very painful and itchy. They also tend to leave marks and scars that take very long to fade away, because the skin on our back takes more time to heal compared to our face.

Treatments To Reduce Back Acne

There are many ways to treat bacne so let’s break it down:

Habits To Reduce Bacne

1. Showering After A Workout

If you’re someone who is always hitting the gym or your local park for your workouts then you definitely need to ensure that you shower after a session. Yes, we’re talking especially to YOU that likes to chill and hang out with friends after a workout. Hit the showers as soon as your sweat dries and use a gentle, hypoallergenic body wash to keep yourself extra clean!

2. Wear Loose Clothing

We explained prior that a recipe for bacne is trapping it in a warm, humid and stuffy space which happens when you wear tight clothing. Instead of grabbing for that fitted tee, opt for a loose cotton shirt that will not only feel breathable but will help to dry out the area better.

3. Change Your Diet

If your daily food looks like candy, fizzy drinks and milkshakes then we’ve got something to break to you. Those foods can be triggers to your back acne thus causing more harm.

Here are some of the foods you should avoid if you’re suffering from acne are:

  • Refined grains and sugar
  • Products rich in dairy: milk, cheese, etc
  • Fast food
  • Chocolate
  • Shellfish
  • Foods enriched with Omega-6 fats

4. Exfoliate

Try to use gentle exfoliating scrubs that are packed with ingredients like salicylic acid to remove the extra oils and dirt that are on your skin. By doing so, it helps reduce the amount of dead skin that could possibly clog your pores.

5. Don’t Pick Your Pimples

Just like how you are advised not to pick your facial pimples, you should avoid picking your back acne as well. If you do so, you tend to spread bacteria and cause MORE pimples and you are more prone to scarring.

Medication To Combat Back Acne

1. Oral Retinoids

If you haven’t heard of retinoids, then sit down, because we’re introducing you to your new best friend. Retinoids are simply amazing when it comes to treating acne. Simply put, they are a Vitamin A derived medicine that has been proven to help reduce acne. Studies have shown that it reduces excess oil production by 90% within 6 weeks and decreases acne by 90% in 3 months.

Despite that, it is still strongly advised to get a doctor’s advice as it is a strong medicine that may be effective but may also have specific side effects.

2. Topical Acne Creams

These days, there are many acne creams that you can try out. We suggest you find products that are formulated with retinoid, benzoyl peroxide, AHAs and BHAs. These ingredients will help you treat and soothe your acne as it has been proven to combat these skin concerns.

Treatments By Professionals To Treat Back Acne

What Procedures You Should Go For

1. Chemical Peels

Chemicals peels help clear the clogged follicles on your back that helps reduce acne breakouts. Not only that, but they also help reduce the appearance of scars on your back, especially post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation.

2. Carbon Laser Peel

When combined with the use of the 1064nm q-switched laser, the carbon laser peel clears the active acne and also smoothens the skin on the back resulting in a smooth and clear back.

Also, carbon gel is used instead of the traditional powder suspension. This is to ensure a much even application and penetration into the skin. Additionally, this treatment is used to target and treat the active acne and smoothen the bumps as the carbon gel penetrates into the pores and allowing the laser to focus its energy effectively.

Laser treatment

Laser treatments are usually customised to the type of acne scars you have. There are many types of bacne treatments to choose from but the best recommendation to get is from your aesthetician or your dermatologist. However, there are many who recommended Accelera acne laser treatment.

1. Accelera Acne Laser

The main component that is used to treat the acne is the Quasi long-pulsed 1064nm wavelength laser from the QX MAX machine. When the Quasi Long-pulsed is combined with the Q-switched mode, this laser treatment works by killing the bacteria that causes acne breakouts.

Not only that, but the long-pulsed mode of the laser also reduces the fine hairs. That results in lesser clogged pores and clearer skin. Additionally, this treatment also rejuvenates the skin, clearing the debris and brightening the skin.

Where To Go To Get Treated

1. Bioskin

If you want to be in the hands of professionals with experience and knowledge at the tips of their fingers then you should head over to Bioskin. They offer numerous types of treatments and product to target every skin concern.

Additionally, their IPL Derma Peel Back Treatment is a specially designed treatment that uses cutting-edge technology. The treatment combines Light and Heat Energy (LHE) to achieve maximum penetration and lightening the scars. Whereas the Derma Peel contains a potent concentration of salicylic acid to help exfoliate while promoting skin cell rejuvenation.

Address: 20 Malacca Street #15-00 Malacca Center Singapore 048979

Opening Hours: Tuesday to Friday: 11:30am – 9:30pm, Saturday, Sunday & Public Holiday: 9:00am – 7:00pm, Monday: Closed

Phone Number: +65 62201132

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How Many Treatments Are Needed To Treat Bacne?

This is a question only your aesthetician or dermatologist can answer. This is because all the back acne treatments are customised according to your skin and how severe it is. Also, your budget will be taken into consideration as to which treatment to get. Not only that, but the number of treatments you need will also be advised by your aesthetician or dermatologist during your consultation.

Are The Treatments Safe?

All the treatments that are recommended are clinically proven to effectively reduce acne. As these procedures are conducted by doctors or aestheticians, they are safe, effective and have minimal side-effects. The treatment treats the acne first before treating the scars.

How Fast Are The Results Of Bacne Treatments Visible?

After your treatments, it is reviewed that you can see visible results of reduced oil production and lesser acne after 1 to 3 months from your treatment. However, there are some patients who can see their results within 2 to 3 weeks of their treatment, as every individual is different and has different healing rates.

Author: Nina Shahriman | Date: 14th January 2021