Itchy scalp, dandruff, hair loss, weak and brittle strands – these are all signs that your hair needs some help! Maybe you’ve tried every product under the sun, but nothing seems to have helped. That’s why we’re introducing you to KAMINOWA – the one brand you need to help with all your hair and scalp issues.


Everybody wants strong, luscious hair, but our genetics, habits, and environment can sometimes prevent us from getting healthy hair. KAMINOWA, brought to you all the way from the land of innovation, Japan. This transformative hair care brand is just the thing you need to solve your hair concerns at its root – pun intended. 

KAMINOWA is even recommended by renowned Japanese cosmetic dermatologist, Dr. Numoto Hideki who specialises in regenerative medicine. According to Dr. Numoto Hideki, KAMINOWA’s formulations contain an ingredient that’s known to be effective at improving hair growth and promote a healthy scalp environment, and their products perform better compared to general hair care products.

So how does KAMINOWA differ from other hair care brands? KAMINOWA’s proprietary ingredients and formulations work in tandem to provide concentrated nutrients to the hair follicles, which then regulates and balances the scalp environment for optimal hair growth. 


KAMINOWA’s approach to using active ingredients in their formulations not only stimulate hair growth and prevent hair loss, but also benefits the hair and scalp in a multitude of ways. KAMINOWA’s hair care products have nine major effects, which are:

  1. Stimulate hair growth
  2. Stimulate roots
  3. Support hair health
  4. Reduce hair loss
  5. Prevent hair from thinning
  6. Reduce itchiness
  7. Prevents dandruff
  8. Prevents hair loss caused by postpartum changes and illnesses
  9. Nourishes hair

At its core, KAMINOWA has three products: KAMINOWA Organic Shampoo, KAMINOWA Organic Treatment, KAMINOWA Scalp Essence, all of which work harmoniously together to help you get the hair of your dreams.

All three products contain medicated active ingredients that help prevent hair loss and stimulate hair growth. The first active ingredient comes from Swertia Japonica, also known as senburi, a medicinal herb that’s native to Japan. Swertia Japonica contains an ingredient called swertianin, which is able to penetrate the scalp and promote the supply of nutrients directly to the hair follicles, which in turn, promotes hair growth activity and prevent hair loss.

Besides that, KAMINOWA’S formulations also contain licorice, which is high in dipotassium glycyrrhizate, known to be highly anti-inflammatory. This ingredient is able to cleanse and condition delicate scalps, while removing excess sebum and bacteria to create a healthy environment for healthy hair growth.

KAMINOWA also uses rehmannia root extract, derived from rehmania root, which is known to be effective at inhibiting male hormones that cause hair loss, and regulating hormonal balance.

To hydrate and nourish the hair, KAMINOWA’s formulations contain birch bark extract, which is known to increase the collagen levels in the hair, soften the scalp, and promote hair elasticity, so you’ll have softer hair in no time.

Not only that, KAMINOWA’s hair care products are also formulated with eriobotrya japonica leaf extract, an ingredient that’s highly anti-inflammatory to soothe any irritation on the scalp, and promote a healthy scalp environment for better hair growth.

What we love most about KAMINOWA’s hair care range is that all of their products are gentle on the scalp, making it suitable for even sensitive skin and scalps. Their products are free from fragrance, colourants, silicon, and paraffin oil, petroleum-based surfactants, or UV absorbers – no nasties whatsoever!

KAMINOWA Organic Shampoo

Every good hair care regime starts with cleansing, and we believe that there is no better shampoo than KAMINOWA Organic Shampoo. This all-in-one shampoo thoroughly cleanses the hair to remove any excess oil and grime from your scalp and strands, while leaving your hair feeling soft and clean. It has a super creamy lather that foams beautifully when in contact with water, and the overall experience just makes you feel like you’re getting your hair professionally washed. 

Besides that, we also love the fact that it’s hypoallergenic and has a plant-based cleansing formula, so not only will you be kind to your hair, you’ll also be kind to Mother Nature!

KAMINOWA Organic Treatment

Follow up the KAMINOWA Organic Shampoo with the KAMINOWA Organic Treatment, a conditioner that will deeply hydrate your hair like no other. Trust us, if you have hair that’s hard to manage, then this treatment is what you need. It’s especially great for dry and damaged hair, as it’s able to penetrate deep into the shafts for intense nourishment. Apply this treatment for a few minutes, rinse it out, and voila! You’ll have smooth, hydrated, and happy hair.

KAMINOWA Organic Scalp Essence

If you want hair that’s straight out of a commercial, then you’re going to want to hear about this. KAMINOWA Organic Scalp Treatment is the real star of the show – first of its kind and it’s the winner of The Watsons Award 2024 and Best Cosme Award 2023, so you know it’s the real deal. This scalp treatment is the world’s first medicinal hair growth gel, and it’s truly unlike any other scalp treatments on the market.

How To Use KAMINOWA Organic Scalp Essence

It has a unique gel texture that absorbs really easily into the scalp, and thanks to its innovative nozzle, there are no drips, no mess. Just squeeze it out directly onto your scalp! For best results, use the KAMINOWA Organic Scalp Essence twice a day on a dry scalp. In the mornings, apply the gel before styling treatments, and after you’ve washed and dried your hair at night.

The KAMINOWA Organic Scalp Essence couldn’t be easier to use – apply it directly on the hairline or in thinning areas, massage it in gently for the ingredients to penetrate better into the scalp, and voila! With regular use, you’ll have a head full of strong, healthy hair.

It takes about three to six months of regular use for results to show, and one to two bottles is good for a month, depending on your hair condition. 

Who Is KAMINOWA Suitable For?

If you have an itchy scalp, dandruff, or are experiencing any sort of hair loss, then we highly recommend KAMINOWA. There are no harmful ingredients or even fragrance, so it’s suitable for even sensitive scalps. Even though KAMINOWA contains ingredients that can inhibit androgens, be rest assured that their products are completely safe for both men and women. If you are currently pregnant or breastfeeding, it’s best to consult your physician before using any of KAMINOWA’s products.


To experience the transformative effects of KAMINOWA for yourself, head on over to Watsons and unlock your hair’s true potential. For a limited time only, KAMINOWA Organic Shampoo, Organic Hairloss Treatment, and Scalp Essence are now priced at $52.50, $52.50, and $129.20 respectively!

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