Acupuncture has been around for thousands of years, but it’s gotten a lot of buzz lately because of the trend towards natural health and well-being. Nowadays, people are wary of popping a pill just to make pain or discomfort go away. They combine doctor’s prescriptions with alternative medicine — whether it’s regular massages, reflexology, supplements, or several acupuncture Singapore treatments.

But we know, we know — acupuncture involves needles, and very long ones at that. So it’s natural to ask a lot of questions about it, and whether it’s the right natural therapy for you. Here’s what you need to know.

What is acupuncture?

Acupuncture is based on the belief that we all have energy (r a life force) that flows throughout our body. When we are physically, mentally and emotionally healthy and whole, the energy flows freely. However, when this energy is blocked — from disease, stress, diet, lifestyle, or anything that causes an imbalance in our system — we become weak.

While this can sound very esoteric, Western medicine actually confirms the connection between mind, body and spirit. There’s tons of research that links stress from everything to heart disease, acne and depression. We also know that diet affects hormones, which in turn control emotions and attention span. Acupuncture may use words like “life force” or “balance” but in the end, both Western and Eastern medicine encourage you to see the connection between physical, emotional, and mental health.

Acupuncture points

So where do the needles come in? Acupuncture believes that energy follows paths called meridians, which connect to major organs in the body. The needles stimulate those organs and clear up blocks. The goal is to regain balance in your energy flow — the yin and the yang, so to speak — which will help you feel better inside and out.

What can acupuncture treat?

Acupuncture Singapore clinics can treat any condition that causes physical, emotional or mental discomfort. This includes:

  • Migraines and chronic headaches
  • Allergies, sinusitis and rhinitis
  • Asthma
  • Chronic sinusitis
  • Infertility and menopause
  • Arthritis and joint pain
  • Neck and back pain
  • Digestive problems
  • Ulcer
  • Stress
  • Insomnia and other sleep disorders
  • Snoring
  • Weightloss

Acupuncture Singapore clinics can also use this natural therapy to manage pain (ex: an old injury or cancer), paralysis, or emotional issues (ex: addiction, trauma, depression). While this should not replace prescription medication and consultations you have with your doctor or therapist, it can make your treatment more holistic.

acupuncture SIngapore

What can I expect at my first acupuncture consultation?

Experienced acupuncture Singapore experts will always see your body as a whole, and will try to understand what could cause the imbalance in your system. So if you go there complaining about back pain, expect questions about your stress levels, diet, lifestyle, or major life changes that can affect your physical, emotional or mental well-being.

“I first got acupuncture Singapore treatments because I heard that it could help with fertility,” says Sharon. “However, my sessions expanded to treat the stress and depression that I was going through from trying to have a baby. Eventually, I also used acupuncture to deal with other physical conditions that were affecting my fertility, like my high blood pressure, and the side effects of the fertility injections I was getting from my oby-gynecologist — headaches, mood swings, etc.”

Will acupuncture hurt a lot?

Actually, no! The needles are very thin compared to the needles used in injections, so you”ll only feel a little bit of pressure when they are inserted. Most people describe it as a dull ache or slight tingling.

“The first session is a bit more painful than the others. I think I just wasn’t used to it. My acupuncturist also explained that the energy centers were activated for the first time, and the next sessions would be more comfortable,” says Leila. True enough, she says she barely felt anything in her succeeding sessions.

Äs with all acupuncture treatments — natural or medical — just be honest with your practitioner. If the pain doesn’t dissipate, or if it’s higher than your personal pain level, speak up. Your Singapore acupuncturist will adjust your treatment and help you make as comfortable as possible.

Best Acupuncture Singapore Centres

Check out Beauty Insider’s list of wellness centers that offer acupuncture in Singapore!

Annie Tiang TCM

With almost over 40 years of clinical experience, Annie Tiang TCM is one of reputable places to get acupuncture and traditional Chinese medicine treatments. It is always featured in newspapers, magazines, TV and radio, and many positive reviews from loyal customers.

They offer acupuncture for stiff neck and lower back pain, and often combine it with herbal treatments. This helps correct internal imbalances that often contribute to your condition. For example, lower back pain is often a symptom of kidney deficiency, chi deficiency, or cold accumulations.

They also offer facial acupuncture, stimulating collagen and elastin to naturally soften and decrease fine lines.

  • Website:
  • Main branch: 11 East Coast Road #01-01,The Odeon Katong, Singapore 428722 (Tel: 63446316)
  • Haig Branch: 24A Haig road Singapore 438734 (Tel: 67437781)
Photo from Bao Zhong Tang website

Bao Zhong Tang

Bao Zhong Tang TCM Centre combines Western medicine with traditional practices like acupuncture, cupping and herbal medicine to take a “synergistic” approach to health and wellness. They pride themselves in their high quality service. They only get herbs from GMP accredited pharmaceutical companies, and follow strict standards when they prepare their prescriptions.

Bao Zhong Tang offers acupuncture treatments for headaches and migraine, premenstrual syndrome, back and knee pain, chronic fatiguq syndrome, hypertension, stroke, and anxiety.

Enok TCM Clinic

This clinic provides natural, holistic treatments for pain and injury management, and gynecology (like premenstrual syndrome or infertility), dermatology (acne and eczema). It can also help manage chronic conditions like diabetes, high blood pressure, insomnia or sleeping disorders, and digestion problems.

Some of their loyal patients fly to Singapore for acupuncture treatments from this clinic. They’re also known for their very reasonable rates. Their acupuncture sessions start at $50, and the cost of their herbal medicines average at about $8 a day.

Laser Acupuncture Centre

Check out the first Singapore laser acupuncture clinic! Instead of needles, it uses laser stimulation to stimulate very precise points on the body. It can even reach deep layers of tissue. It is painless, even for sensitive parts of the body.

This high-tech Singapore acupuncture treatment can help with chronic pain, healing after an injury, and even anti-ageing. The clinic also offers acupuncture for weightloss, fighting cravings, and quitting smoking or alcohol.

Laser acupuncture is also effective for skin conditions like acne. One patient said, “Through Micro-Dermoabrasian and his trademark laser acupuncture treatment, i was able to rid myself of acne breakouts.”

  • Website:
  • Address: 35 Selegie Road, #04-04 Parklane Shopping Mall Singapore 188307
  • Phone: 6742 9883


This center offers a unique ElectroAcupuncture (EA) therapy to help lift and tone the skin. Called AcuLift, it’s a natural alternative to face lifts. The needles are placed in special acupoints in the face to help restore balance and vitality. Aside from boosting blood circulation, it triggers collagen production.

You can also opt for an additional gua sha facial massage, to further enhance your glow and reduce puffiness.

Photo from Eu Yan Sang website

Eu Yan Sang Clinic

This complete wellness clinic offers holistic treatments for all ages. It can provide acupuncture (including needless acupuncture), cupping, Gua Sha, heat stimulation, and herbal medication. In some cases, they can combine treatments for faster, more effective healing.

Aside from treating chronic conditions and pain management, Eu Yan Sang also offers needless acupuncture for weight management.

Eu Yang Sang Clinic has 20 Singapore acupuncture and wellness clinics island-wide. You can also buy their special herbal products in pharmacies and other centres in Hong Kong, Malaysia and Singapore.

Photo from Raffles website

Raffles Chinese Medicine

Get acupuncture Singapore treatments in a world-class hospital. The Raffles Chinese Medicine department combines traditional Chinese medicine with modern medical care. You enjoy holistic treatment, in a safe and well-supervised clinical setting.

Aside from acupuncture, Raffles also provides heat therapy, cupping, auriculotherapy, and Tui Na. Your specialist will also recommend natural medicines.

Shanghai Chinese Medicine Centre

Shanghai Chinese Medicine Centre offers a wide range of treatments ranging from pediatric, gynecology, dermatology, slimming to cancer treatment. They incorporate the usage of Chinese herbs with traditional techniques to obtain optimal results. Furthermore, they only used methods that are scientifically-formulated. With their highly skilled physicians and impeccable service, they will ensure that any illnesses are treated effectively to cure it.

Oak Health Chinese

With 4.9 star ratings on Google, Oak Health Chinese is known for its holistic approach in treating acute to chronic diseases effectively. They offer comprehensive treatments that target the root of the health conditions. Moreover, with their certified and dedicated physicians, you will be in good hands. Oak Health Chinese offers acupuncture treatments and you can even opt for the integrative therapy of laser acupuncture.

Great Wall Acupuncture Clinic

Founded by Chief TCM Physician Tay Kim Lik, Great Wall Acupuncture Clinic offers a myriad of treatments including acupuncture. The procedure includes inserting a hair-thin needle into the specific point on the body for healing purposes and the patient might feel a tingling sensation when the disposable needle was inserted. Within 30 minutes after the session ended, you will feel relieved. Besides that, several treatments such as cupping, tuina, heat stimulation, and skin scraping are incorporate together with acupuncture to maximize the effectiveness of the treatment.

Sin Kang TCM Clinic

With more than 20 years of experience, Sin Kang TCM Clinic delivers optimal results at an affordable price. Amongst the treatments that you can find at Sin Kang TCM Clinic are cupping, Tui Na, moxibustion, and lymphatic drainage. We recommend that you try the NO-PAIN Acupuncture which is their signature treatment. During the treatment, they use ultra-thin acupuncture needles with guide tubes to insert the needles accurately. Hence, the procedure is painless compared to other clinics. With their highly experienced physicians, you can only expect the best from them.