Too much salt in your diet may be a bad thing but when it comes to using salt on your body, it’s actually the opposite. Natural salts and minerals have been used for centuries for medicinal, natural healing and beautifying purposes. Although all say seem like the same thing, there are in fact differences between the many kinds of natural salts. Among the many are dead sea salts and Epsom salts.

What are Epsom Salts?

Epsom Salts are known as Magnesium Sulfate and they do not actually contain any salt (Sodium Chloride, NaCl) at all. Epsom salts are a mineral that is found in water and when it is dried, it crystalises and forms a shape very similar to that of table salt. Not only that, but Epsom Salts also are a compound of magnesium bonded with sulphur and oxygen.

Additionally, Epsom salts are commonly used in soaks in reducing inflammation in the body, soothing muscles, joints, aches and pains. Most people add a few cups of Epsom salts to a bath to recover after a long, high-intensity physical activity.

Benefits of Epsom Salt

  • Provides magnesium. Magnesium is the fourth most abundant mineral in the body. It is said that it is better absorbed using Epsom salt baths rather than orally.
  • Promotes sleep & stress reduction. Sufficient levels of magnesium are essential for sleep and stress management. This is because magnesium aids your brain in producing neurotransmitters that induce sleep. Also, magnesium produces melatonin that promotes sleep.
  • Relieves constipation. How magnesium treats constipation is that it draws water into your colon, and that promotes bowel movements. It can be taken orally with water.
  • Exercise & workout recovery. Epsom salt baths is proven to reduce muscles soreness and relieve cramps. This is because adequate magnesium levels are helpful for exercise because the magnesium aids your body in using lactic acid and glucose.
  • Reduces pain and swelling. Epsom salt baths improve symptoms of arthritis and fibromyalgia as most people with these problems lack magnesium.
  • Relieves headaches. Epsom salt helps relieve headaches and migraines when used regularly. It is believed that the deficiency of magnesium may increase the chances of headaches.
  • Thicker hair. Make an epsom salt solution and use it as a hair spray. The Epsom salt helps thicken your hair and keeps your hair fresh.
  • Removal of splinters. If you have kids then you will probably encounter splinters every now and then. All you have to do is let the splinter soak for 10 minutes, and the removal of the splinter will be easy.

What are Dead Sea Salts?

Dead Sea Salts, on the other hand, consist of 12-18% sodium (NaCl), along with a rich blend of up to 21 essential minerals that include: Magnesium, Sulphur, Calcium, Bromide, Zinc, Iodine and Potassium. This unique combination of different elements creates a powerfully nutrient-rich blend that helps replenish the body with seven major essential minerals.

The warm environment of the hot springs or a hot bath raises one’s body temperature. That leads to reactions occurring inside the body and on the surface of the skin much quicker. Hence, once the body goes through a detoxification process, the minerals that are present in the salt replenishes the body through the skin, inside out.

Benefits of Dead Sea Salt

  • Rich in minerals – Sea salt contains a whole family of minerals from the ocean. Also, the amniotic fluid that was born has the exact same mineral composition as the ocean. Hence, then those minerals are imparted onto the surface of the skin, it promotes healing and the conditioning of the skin.
  • Relieves various ailments. Sea salt speeds up the healing of cuts, nicks and wounds. Not only that, but it also reducing inflammation and some skin conditions like psoriasis, rosacea and eczema.
  • An overall skin conditioner. Due to the sea salts softening the water, they also soften the skin. It not only conditions the skin, but it also detoxifies, exfoliates while increasing blood circulation.
  • Charges the body, literally. When the sea salt is heated in water, negative ions are created, and because our body is positively charged, when the negative ions connect to the body, it helps reduce stress and promotes healing.
  • Improves digestion. Dead sea salt plays a huge role in the production of hydrochloric acid. It is then secreted in the stomach for the breakdown of food, especially protein.
  • Regulates blood pressure. The rise in blood pressure is the result of high sugar, processed food diet and white table salt that’s lacking nutrients. Hence, dead sea salt reduces inflammation by bringing in the necessary minerals that the body uses to boost its immunity.
  • Reduces blemishes. Because of the traces of sulfur in the dead sea salt, it is wonderful for cleaning the surface of the skin. According to a study, sulfur is an excellent topical cleaner and disinfectant.
  • Fresher breath. Sulfur causes bad breath while zinc neutralzes it. Because bad breath is linked to mineral deficiencies, adding a dead sea salt rinse into your regular oral regimen fights the bad breath and halitosis effective.

Where to buy?

Sea Salt

Price: $12.90

Where to buy: Watsons Singapore

Epsom Salt

Price: $4.95

Where to buy: Guardian Singapore