In this article we hopped on an exclusive interview with Renee Lee, Principal Podiatrist at Atlas Podiatry Clinic, where we delve into the cutting-edge world of podiatric care. In today’s discussion, we shine a spotlight on a groundbreaking wart treatment method that is revolutionising the field of podiatry – Swift Microwave Therapy. With a focus on patient comfort, efficiency, and long-lasting results, Atlas Podiatry Clinic has been at the forefront of introducing this innovative technology to their practice. Join us as we sit down with Renee, to explore the science behind Swift Microwave Therapy.

Interview with Renee Lee

As the first clinic in Asia to provide Swift Microwave Therapy, what advantages do you believe Atlas Podiatry has over competitors who offer traditional wart treatment methods?

Being the pioneering clinic of Swift Microwave Therapy in Asia, Atlas Podiatry brings to all a cutting-edge wart treatment with improved efficacy, patient satisfaction, and value for money. 

Can you share some success stories or testimonials from patients who have undergone Swift treatment at Atlas Podiatry? How has this innovative technology improved their experience compared to traditional therapies?

Our most successful Swift microwave therapy cases to date are with patients who suffer from recalcitrant warts that have undergone multiple traditional wart treatments for long periods of time but to no avail. These patients generally have long-standing pain in their feet due to the viral skin infection which affects their confidence and quality of life. When we first launched Swift in the Asia market, they jumped at the opportunity of a new therapy and saw significant wart reduction and resolution in just a couple of sessions of Swift microwave therapy with us! It was truly amazing to see how fast these patients get back on their feet wart and pain free!

Swift is touted as a breakthrough innovation from the UK. How does this cutting-edge technology reflect Atlas Podiatry’s commitment to staying at the forefront of wart treatment solutions in Asia?

At Atlas Podiatry, we strive to provide our patients with the latest, most effective and up-to-date evidence-based podiatric foot care therapies so as to give them the best outcomes and quality of life. The incorporation of Swift Microwave Therapy as part of our wart treatment modality has allowed for us to do that. 

In comparison to other wart treatment options available in the market, what specific features of Swift Microwave Therapy make it stand out as the superior choice for patients seeking effective and efficient results?

Compared to traditional treatments that are lengthy with potential scarring, Swift technology is quick, non-invasive with minimal scarring. There is no need for weekly reviews, no post procedural care required, and minimal downtime after treatment – so patients can reduce their time spent at the clinic, not worry about post-procedural wound infections, and return to their daily activities almost immediately, making the treatment process as fuss-free as possible.

Traditional therapies for warts often involve multiple sessions and extended treatment times. How has Swift’s quick and precise microwave energy delivery system helped attract patients seeking a faster resolution to their wart concerns?

Compared to traditional therapies that require multiple sessions, can be messy and may not penetrate deep enough to eradicate the verruca entirely, Swift microwave therapy offers targeted and precise energy delivery, ensuring effective treatment with minimal side effects. The procedure is quick with minimal downtime and hence allows patients to get back to their activities in no time, causing less disruption to their routine and lifestyle.

Some patients may be sceptical about trying a new and innovative treatment like Swift. How do you address their concerns and showcase the safety and efficacy of this technology during your consultations?

At Atlas Podiatry, we take patients’ care and safety very seriously. Our clinicians do thorough patient history taking and clinical assessments to consider each individual’s suitability for use of the Swift treatment before advising them on it.

If deemed suitable, we will take time to explain the technology to the patient, why we advise for it and provide research evidence and patient testimonials for this treatment. 

We will listen to their concerns and answer all questions before administering the therapy, ensuring that patient decision-making is fully consensual. 

From a cost perspective, how does Swift Microwave Therapy compare to traditional wart treatments over the long term? Are patients finding better value for money with this advanced technology?

Compared to traditional wart treatments which can be a long, drawn-out process that requires multiple visits or lengthy recovery periods, Swift microwave therapy can provide noticeable improvements with lesser sessions/ a shorter time frame, making wart treatment more cost effective.

With the growing demand for more natural and non-invasive medical solutions, how does Swift Microwave Therapy align with Atlas Podiatry’s vision to offer progressive and patient-friendly treatment options?

At Atlas Podiatry, we strive towards providing patients with conservative efficacious solutions that do not cause hindrance to their daily activities. Having Swift microwave therapy enables us to do so as it is non-invasive, yet effective, allowing us to cater to a wider range of patients looking for such solutions.

As a trailblazer in Asia for Swift Microwave Therapy, what steps has Atlas Podiatry taken to ensure continuous training and development of your team to provide the highest standard of care using this technology?

Our clinicians take an active approach in maintaining the highest standard of podiatric care for our patients by engaging in case-sharing and discussion forums with overseas clinicians, as well as attend continuing professional development programs to keep up with the constant evolving industry. 

Can you summarise in a few key points why patients should choose Atlas Podiatry and Swift Microwave Therapy over other conventional treatment options for common and plantar warts?

  • Why choose Swift?
    • Fast and effective – improvements noticeable in a shorter time frame
    • Clinically proven efficacy – high success rates in effectively eliminating verrucas. Studies have shown that it can achieve clearance rates of up to 80% in just a few sessions
    • Non-invasive – does not involve any tissue damage during the therapy
    • Targeted approach – precisely targets the verruca, ensuring that the surrounding healthy tissue remains unaffected
    • Effective against stubborn warts that have failed traditional wart removal methods
    • No post-therapy aftercare needed
    • Minimal downtime, less disruption to routine and lifestyle – allows individuals to resume their daily activities almost immediately after the session
    • Suitable for various ages – both children and adults
  • Why Choose Atlas Podiatry?
    • Female podiatrist available – Muslim ladies-friendly!
    • Adoption of only evidence-based and the latest treatment methods 
    • Experienced team with restructured hospital experience
    • Conveniently located in Orchard Road, Mandarin Gallery
    • Transparent and affordable prices with multiple payment modes