Are you’re struggling with acne issues?! Well, then don’t worry you are not alone, in fact, it is estimated 85% of people at some point in their lives experience acne problems. Acne breakouts are practically inevitable and can be super duper frustrating but the bright side of the struggle is acne scars are not permanent. There are so many aesthetic treatments, facial creams and home remedies for acne scars available over the counter. 

The fore is expensive and can cause unwanted skin reactions but home remedies for acne scars are not just a cheaper alternative but also 100% safer! Using just the most common ingredients at your home, you can manage and improve your acne scars. In this article, Beauty Insider has gathered a variety of home remedies for acne scars that can help reduce the appearance of the scars and also give your skin a healthier and smoother outlook. 

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However do bear in mind, acne scars don’t go away that easily. They take time to heal and these home remedies for acne scars can only speed up the healing process but not cure it overnight. So, remember to consistently do these remedies and please be patient! There’s no really a set time as to how long they last but we can assure you that these home remedies can speed things up. Without further ado, here are the best 12 home remedies for acne scars you can try.

1. Coconut Oil

Coconut oil is indeed magic potion that can do basically anything and everything! Rich in omega fatty acids and vitamin E, coconut oil can penetrate deep into your skin tissue and keep it moisturized! It can also restore youth and glow back to your skin. Make coconut oil as part of your daily regimen and see notable results within weeks! 

How to Use:

  • Warm some coconut oil and just dab some on the affected area
  • Massage it gently for about 5-10 minutes
  • Then leave it on your skin for an hour
  • Finally, rinse it off with warm water

Pro-tip: Use coconut oil only on the area you want to treat. Too much coconut oil might just cause a breakout here and there if you don’t control your usage. 

2. Turmeric

Regarded as one the best home remedies for acne scars, there is nothing turmeric can’t do! Packed with antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties, turmeric can help reduce excess production of melanin, which adds pigmentation to your scar and makes it even darker. Not just that, turmeric can it also a natural antiseptic which means it can help heal your scar quick without any irritation. 

How to Use:

  • Mix turmeric powder with milk and honey 
  • Once you have a thick paste, apply on your face
  • Leave it on for about 15-20 minutes 
  • And wash it off with warm water 
  • Do this mask 3-4 a week for the best result

3. Onion Extract

If you don’t mind a little sting, then onions can wonder for your skin. This is because onions are packed bioflavonoids, a natural compound that can enhance your blood circulation and produce more vitamin C. Thanks to this properties, onion extract is proven to significantly reduce the appearance of scars after only a few weeks, with daily use, of course! On top of that, it can also reduce inflammation, redness, and soreness.

How to Use:

  • Chop onions in tiny tubes and blend it
  • Once you have a liquid texture, apply on your face
  • Leave it on your face for 15 minutes
  • Rinse it off with lukewarm water

4. Aloe Vera

Aloe vera’s natural anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties make it a great tool to add your acne scar treatment arsenal. It can reduce the swelling and redness of the pimple as well as act as a natural astringent that removes excess oil and dead cells. Aloe vera is also great for sunburns and can even be ingested if diluted properly!!! It might feel weird and sticky when you apply on your skin but trust us on this your skin will thank you later!

How to Use:

  • Scoop out the aloe vera gel from the plant 
  • Apply the gel to the scars and massage it in.
  • Leave it for 30 minutes. Rinse it off.
  • Repeat 3-4 times a week

Pro-tip: If you don’t have aloe vera plant then you can also use aloe vera extract. But make sure it is 100% natural and pure!

5. Honey

Honey is one of the most common ingredients in many skincare products thanks to its exceptional benefits for the skin. An excellent source of antioxidants, honey is very very effective at reducing acne! Furthermore, its natural moisturizing effects can stimulate your blood flow and tissue regeneration. Now, you get why honey is a popular ingredient to mix into your skincare routine?!

How to Use:

  • Mix raw honey with cinnamon powder 
  • Leave it on your skin for 30 minutes
  • Rinse it off with lukewarm water
  • Repeat this 2-3 times a week

Pro-tip: Use pure raw honey because raw honey is amazing and healthier too! Generally, the darker the honey is the more medicinal properties it contains.

6. Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar has always been touted as an all-around cure for all skin woes.  Not just it can treat acne scars, but apple cider vinegar can also stimulate collagen production. Though it might sting for a sec on the skin, but use it regularly you can start seeing all the redness and whiteheads disappearing. Plus, the acidic property of apple cider vinegar can also help lighten pigmentation in the skin.

How to Use:

  • Mix equal amounts of raw, unfiltered apple cider vinegar with water
  • Dip a cotton ball in it and apply it to scars
  • Leave for 5 minutes.
  • Rinse it off with water and repeat this daily

Pro-tip: Do not apply raw apple cider vinegar onto your skin. It is extremely acidic and can cause irritation especially if you have sensitive skin. Always dilute it with water before putting on your face.

7. Baking Soda

We can hear your say, baking soda really?! Yes, baking soda is not just a must-have for baking both also a must-have home remedy for acne scars. It can help with removing scars by balancing your pH and acts as a natural exfoliator. In doing so, it eliminates dead skin cells and leaves you refreshed without damaging the skin around the scar.

How to Use:

  • Use two parts water and one part baking soda and make a paste
  • Scrub it on the affected area and leave it on for 5 minutes
  • Rinse it thoroughly and gently after that

8. Lemon

Lemon is one of the most popular and effective home remedies for acne scars. It is great choices if you want to lighten your acne scars, sunburns and more! Packed with alpha-hydroxy acids (AHA), lemon can provide your skin with all the healing properties it needs. Also, known as a natural bleach, lemon can also aid in new cell growth and gives your skin its elasticity back.

How to Use: 

  • Apply fresh lemon juice directly on to the scars 
  • Leave it for 10 minutes, then rinse it off with cold water
  • Repeat this once every day

Pro-tip: Lemon is extremely acidic hence can make skin sensitive to sunlight. So, make sure to apply a daily moisturizer with SPF after applying lemon to your skin.

9. Papaya

Thanks to its lightening properties, papaya can give your a skin a dewy and incredibly soft outlook. Packed with Vitamin A, papaya can also increase your collagen levels while the papain acts as a natural exfoliator. Both these ingredients can help the skin to repair itself fast and efficient. On top of these, papaya also contains a high number of antioxidants, which can keep your skin moisturized at all time. 

How To Use:

  • Mash a few pieces of papaya like a paste and apply it on the face.
  • Leave it on for 20 minutes before rinsing it off with water. 
  • Alternatively, just eat them

Pro-tip:  Yes, eating papayas can give you a number of benefits but don’t overeat papayas! Consumed in overly large doses, the papain enzyme can damage the oesophagus and cause irritation.

10. Potato

One of the most underrated ingredients by the beauty world, potatoes can brighten up and even out your skin instantly! This is because potatoes contain an enzyme called ‘catecholase’ which helps to brighten skin and get rid of dark spots. You can even use potato juice to lessen the appearance of dark circles. Also, packed with anti-ageing properties, potatoes can also be used to gently exfoliate your skin.

How to Use:

  • Grate 1 potato and strain through a cloth to get the juice.
  • Apply this to the acne scars.
  • Leave it for 20 minutes before rinsing.