Not everyone wants to go through the hassle of having eyebrow embroidery or eyelash extensions. Sometimes natural, can be better for that fuss-free, girl next door vibe. However, do eyelash serums actually work? We uncover the truths behind this beauty product and share some tips you need to know!

1. Eyelash Serums Restore Moisture


Waterproof mascara can be severely dehydrating to your eyelash strands and can even cripple eyelash growth. In fact, much like skin, hair needs oxygen and moisture to grow. Wearing a mascara daily can actually weaken eyelashes in the long run.

2. Dry Skin can Affect your Eyebrow Growth


Ever realise how untamed your brows get if you neglect to groom them in our humid weather? No you are not imagining things. When it is humid, moisture from the air enters the pores and replenishes the loss of moisture, which in turn can affect your eyebrows. So always keep skin well-hydrated, because healthy skin means healthy eyebrows.

3. Don’t Pluck- We Mean It!


We know eyebrows tend to grow out unruly and all over the place. However, plucking can lead to trauma — even minute plucking, which can impede your growth no matter how small! So instead, use alternatives such as wax or a gel to keep your brows in place.

4. Long-Term Use is the ONLY Way to See Results

Do not be discouraged if you don’t see new hair growth right away. As with any product, eyebrow and eyelash serums take time before you see any significant progress. Patience is important and continued daily usage is key. Just like the hair anywhere else, our lashes have their own growth cycle that consists of three key phases – growth, resting and transition phase. Hair follicles do not grow magically overnight – and serums often work when the hair follicle is in the growth phase, so respect your lash growth cycle and you will be rewarded.

5. Eyebrow and Eyelash Serums Can be Affordable

Unlike the ever-so popular eyelash extension, eyebrow and eyelash serums are the most budget-friendly way to boost eyelash and eyebrow growth in the long term. Fortunately for us, Browhaus, the leading name in all things brow-worthy, has their own line of products. The Extend Lash and Brow Serum is a product made specifically for those who suffer from weakened eyelashes. From the frequent “eyelash extensions girl” to those simply born with sparse eyebrows, the Extend Lash and Brow Serum is suitable for everyone.

For best results, use nightly after cleansing. All it takes is just two to three weeks to see a difference on both your lashes and brows. This game-changing product is the perfect two-in-one tool!  This is why it won in our annual Beauty Awards for Best Regrowth Serum! A comfortable and effective serum, we urge you to give this a try.

Price: $95.20

Where to Buy: This product is available at Beauty Emporium and Browhaus outlets islandwide!